Enhancing Lean Construction Through Innovative Technology: A Focus on Virtual Reality in Construction

Ali Bidhendi1, Mani Poshdar2, Zahra Nahri3, Ji Won Won4, Omar A Owais5 & Kayvan Koohestani6

1Department of Built Environment Engineering, School of Future Environments, Auckland University of Technology (AUT), New Zealand. [email protected],
2Department of Built Environment Engineering, School of Future Environments, Auckland University of Technology (AUT), New Zealand. [email protected],
3Department of Architecture, Faculty of Art, Tarbiat Modares University (TMU), Iran. [email protected],
4Department of Built Environment Engineering, School of Future Environments, Auckland University of Technology (AUT), New Zealand. [email protected],
5Department of Built Environment Engineering, School of Future Environments, Auckland University of Technology (AUT), New Zealand. [email protected],
6Department of Built Environment Engineering, School of Future Environments, Auckland University of Technology (AUT), New Zealand. [email protected], 0000- 0002-9988-3688


This study delineates the integration of Virtual Reality (VR) within Lean Construction, emphasising its application across the philosophy, principles, methods, and tools of Lean Construction. By conducting a systematic literature review, this research considers the utilisation of VR to enhance construction processes, specifically focusing on its role in mitigating waste, maximising value, continuous improvement, and respect for people. The investigation reveals VR's capacity to bridge the theoretical and practical aspects of Lean Construction, offering a novel perspective on its implementation. The results demonstrate VR's potential in advancing Lean Construction practices through its philosophy, principles, methods, and tools. Also, the utilisation of VR, particularly in SCRUM, Set Based Design and Visual Management, underlines a transformative potential for enhancing construction project efficiency and value. The paper concludes by highlighting the contributions of VR to Lean Construction, proposing actionable insights for practitioners and suggesting avenues for future research. This approach provides a comprehensive review for integrating VR in construction projects, aligning with Lean Construction for enhanced project outcomes


Lean Construction, Set Based Design (SBD), VDC, Virtual Reality (VR), Smart Construction.



Bidhendi, A. , Poshdar, M. , Nahri, Z. , Won, J. W. , Owais, O. A. & Koohestani, K. 2024. Enhancing Lean Construction Through Innovative Technology: A Focus on Virtual Reality in Construction, Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction (IGLC 32) , 743-754.

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