Takt planning is being lauded as a new tool for construction planning. It is described in the academic literature and successfully applied in practice. But is it just a tool for planning? This paper aims to show that takt planning can serve as the basis of a framework that supports the application of various lean tools and methods and, accordingly, is a tool to enable lean thinking in construction. Using this framework, the paper illustrates through examples how a project team benefited from using takt to identify where to apply lean tools and methods. It shows how takt informs when and where in the workflow it is appropriate to apply various lean tools and methods such as identification of bottlenecks, workflow reliability (process stability), underloading, process capability, mistakeproofing, standardization, continuous improvement, and cycle time reduction. The contribution of this paper is to highlight that a lean journey that starts with takt may proceed with implementing numerous lean tools and methods other than those directly pertaining to takt itself.
Lean construction, takt planning, continuous improvement, project production system design
Tommelein, I. D. & Emdanat, S. 2022. Takt Planning: An Enabler for Lean Construction, Proc. 30th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction (IGLC) , 866-877.
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