IGLC.net EXPORT DATE: 14 March 2025 @CONFERENCE{Fiallo C2012, author={Fiallo C, Mario and Howell, Greg }, editor={Tommelein, Iris D. and Pasquire, Chrisitne L. }, title={Using Production System Design and Takt Time To Improve Project Performance}, journal={20th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction}, booktitle={20th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction}, year={2012}, url={http://www.iglc.net/papers/details/768}, affiliation={Civil Engineer, Msc. Professor at Central University of Ecuador. Lean Construction Coordinator at Ripconciv Constructora. Av. Protugal y Eloy Alfaro. Edif. Milenium Plaza Piso 5 Of. 501. +593-333-2050 x 209, Mobile +593-996-94255; mfiallo@ripconciv.com.ec, mfiallo@sitiodeobra.com ; President, Lean Construction Institue, Box 1003, Ketchum, Id 83340. +1-208/726-9989; ghowell@leanconstruction.org }, abstract={The heart of the Toyota Production System is increasing flow through waste elimination. Takt time is the tool that establishes how much work has to flow through a production system in a fixed time. Takt time is a straight link between customer and production system that sets the rhythm of a production system. The aim of this paper is to show how an Ecuadorian contractor tested the impact of production system using Takt time to improve performance on an infrastructure project. The site manager used Takt to design the production system and to communicate the system’s goals to production units (crews). The paper reports on the implementation process, key decision points and results. Lessons learned on this project have implications for the application of lean construction on projects in emerging economies. }, author_keywords={Takt time, Flow, Production System Design, Visual Management. }, address={San Diego, California, USA }, issn={ }, publisher={ }, language={English}, document_type={Conference Paper}, source={IGLC}, }