Takt planning and Takt control (TPTC) is a production system approach that is most commonly used in individual construction projects. The approach has not yet been implemented systematically in a large-scale project, like a Greenfield automotive plant (complete new plant from scratch) with all facilities. Furthermore, its use has not been documented in construction in Mexico. Most projects describing TPTC in research are single contractor projects, implemented by a single construction company. This paper describes a real project with over 15 different facilities using Takt planning and Takt control (TPTC), in a large scale green field automotive plant with 5 main general contractors collaborating together with the client. It shows the demands and the effects of large scale projects using the method of TPTC within a Lean philosophy and describes the system that was designed and implemented. As the main contribution from this paper, a system and its results for creating a Lean culture, collaboration, transparency, planning and overall project control within a multitasking flow is described and validated.
Lean construction, Takt planning, Takt control, Collaboration, large-scale projects.
Dlouhy, J. , Ricalde, M. , Cossio, B. & Januncio, C. 2018. Large Scale Project Using Takt Planning and Takt Control-Creating and Sustaining Multitasking Flow, 26th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction , 1334-1343.
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