IGLC.net EXPORT DATE: 19 September 2024 @CONFERENCE{Belsvik2019, author={Belsvik, Matilde Reinholdt and Lædre, Ola and Hjelseth, Eilif }, editor={ }, title={Metrics in VDC Projects}, journal={Proc. 27th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction (IGLC)}, booktitle={Proc. 27th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction (IGLC)}, year={2019}, pages={1129-1140}, url={http://www.iglc.net/papers/details/1749}, doi={10.24928/2019/0167}, affiliation={M.Sc student, NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway, + 47 982 07 858, matildeb@stud.ntnu.no ; Professor, dr.ing., NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway, + 47 911 89 938, ola.ladre@ntnu.no ; Professor, PhD, NTNU – Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway, +47 952 66 100, eilif.hjelseth@ntnu.no }, abstract={The Norwegian construction industry is far behind other industries when it comes to productivity. To improve productivity several contractors take advantage of methodologies such as Virtual Design and Construction (VDC). VDC is about streamlining projects in a Lean context with tools like Last Planner, ICE, BIM and metrics. Although few studies have been found on metrics in VDC projects, it appears evident that metrics are important for continuous improvement. However, selecting adequate metrics is challenging, as they can require more than they give in return. The study answers three research questions; (1) “How are building design processes measured?” (2) “Which main design phase challenges can be resolved with metrics?” and (3) “Which metrics should be used in future VDC projects?” The methods used have been a qualitative case study of a Norwegian contractor’s first implementation of VDC, as well as personal interviews with experienced design managers. The implication of the study is a list with six basic metrics for the building design processes of VDC projects, based on challenges in Norwegian construction projects. Seven additional metrics for continuous project improvement are also presented. }, author_keywords={VDC, Metrics, Design management, Continuous improvement, Lean construction }, address={Dublin, Ireland }, issn={2309-0979 }, publisher={ }, language={English}, document_type={Conference Paper}, source={IGLC}, }