This paper presents a preliminary case study of simulation in a construction supply chain, adopting as focus company a pre-cast elements producer. The framework for relationships analysis was provided by a value stream macro mapping (VSMM), taking steel as the specific case. Data collection was carried out gathering information from the company’s information system and from interviews with representatives of involved agents. This data was compiled in a first simulation of current state, using iThink software, generating output of selected parameters for analysis. A future state is drafted, suggesting modelling strategies for a second simulation using lean tools, in further studies. The paper concludes with recommendations and considerations about the potential of this kind of simulation to study complex construction supply chains behaviour.
lean simulation, supply chain, lean thinking
Fontanini, P. S. P. , Picchi, F. A. , Loureiro, S. A. , Junior, O. F. L. & Folch, A. T. 2008. Simulating a Construction Supply Chain– Preliminary Case Study of Precast Elements, 16th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction , 371-380.