Can ChatGPT Help With the Last Planner® System Implementation? An Expert Overview

Andrews A. Erazo-Rondinel1, Mauricio A. Melgar-Morales2, Josep J. Abregu-Gonzales3, Juan A. Napa-Almeyda4 & Diego S. Lipa-Mamani5

1Teaching Assistant, Professional School of Civil Engineering, Universidad Continental, Huancayo, Peru, [email protected],
2Student Researcher, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, Lima, Peru, [email protected] ,
3Student Researcher, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, Lima, Peru, [email protected] ,
4Student Researcher, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, Lima, Peru, [email protected] ,
5Student Researcher, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, Lima, Peru, [email protected] ,


In recent years, the construction sector has been influenced by different technologies, which has given way to construction 4.0. One of the elements of Construction 4.0 is the use of artificial intelligence, and in recent years, chatbots have become popular in different industries, including construction. However, the literature on how chatbots can help in construction projects is limited. In this sense, the following article aims to study the degree of reliability presented by a chatbot (ChatGPT) to improve the implementation of the Last Planner® System (LPS). This article begins with a literary review of LPS barriers. From this, 13 main barriers are validated with the help of 10 expert judgments. After that, ChatGPT 3.5 is interacted with to provide possible solutions to the barriers found, which are validated again with eight expert judgments. The results show that 68.27% of ChatGPT responses are “Totally agree” and “Somewhat agree.” The following article will contribute to professionals in the construction sector so that they can evaluate the reliability of chatbots and explore their applications to solve LPS implementation problems and other problems in construction projects.


Last Planner, Artificial Intelligence, ChatGPT, construction 4.0, lean construction.



Erazo-Rondinel, A. A. , Melgar-Morales, M. A. , Abregu-Gonzales, J. J. , Napa-Almeyda, J. A. & Lipa-Mamani, D. S. 2024. Can ChatGPT Help With the Last Planner® System Implementation? An Expert Overview, Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction (IGLC 32) , 707-718.

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