IGLC.net EXPORT DATE: 18 September 2024 @CONFERENCE{Etges2018, author={Etges, Bernardo Martim Beck da Silva and Pereira, Bruno Bronzatto and Silveira, Thiago José Salgado da }, editor={ }, title={A Lean Approach to Improve Productivity in a Coke Oven Refurbishment Project: A Case Study}, journal={26th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction}, booktitle={26th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction}, year={2018}, pages={1112-1121}, url={http://www.iglc.net/papers/details/1505}, doi={10.24928/2018/0254}, affiliation={M.Sc. Eng, Project Manager, Steinbock Consulting, Etges Engenharia, Porto Alegre, Brazil; bernardo.m.etges@gmail.com ; Mechanical Eng., RIP-Kaefer, Indaiatuba, Brazil; bruno.bronzatto@kaefer.com ; Lean Coordinator., RIP-Kaefer, Indaiatuba, Brazil; thiago.silveira@kaefer.com }, abstract={This paper presents a 3-phased Lean Construction Project (LCP) implemented in a specialized and integrated service company. The purpose of the LCP was to increase productivity and to re-structure Production Planning and Control routines. It was undertaken by a group of internal and external consultants for a period of four months of workshops and more four months of sustainability on-site. The construction project focused by the LCP was the refurbishment of a Coke Oven in a Brazilian Steel Mill. The three workshops regarding the Lean Construction background were: (a) Analysing the construction activities and support process (Planning, Contract Management, Supply, Warehouse, Safety); (b) Redesigning Production Planning and Control tools, routines and responsibilities; and defining a new Work plan schedule regarding takt-time; and (c) a Productivity Workshop implemented through wastes identification, activities reorganization and work provision. For all these workshops, a work group was formed covering consultants, managers, engineers, team-leaders and front-line workers. Finally, the workshop results were assessed through comparison of the productivity indicators with the base-line defined in the Analysis Stage. After the LCP, the project achieved its main objective with the walls assembly productivity improvement by 20%. This result was reached with fewer people performing more efficiently (less time). Moreover, the operational efficiency improvement guaranteed a 46% increase in the gross margin of the contract. }, author_keywords={Production Planning and Control, Productivity, Lean Construction }, address={Chennai, India }, issn={2309-0979 }, publisher={ }, language={English}, document_type={Conference Paper}, source={IGLC}, }